Thursday, July 4, 2013

Introdução ao eu

Introduction time!
Emily; junior; chemical engineering student. I chose to come to São Paolo on this dialogue because I plan on working in alternative and renewable energy, and Brazil is well-known for their efficient methods in renewable energy. While here, I hope to learn a lot about how Brazil came to be one of the world's most efficient countries and how the techniques used here can be applied in other countries. Renewable energy accounts for roughly 80% of the energy produced in Brazil. Considering the many environmental concerns attached to current methods, Brazil sets a good example and is forward-thinking. In the metro stations and around the city, there are sets of recycling bins for different materials, such as paper, plastic, metal, etc. This in itself is different than Boston, where you'd be more likely to see a trash bin before a recycling bin.

Another thing I've noticed (it's hard to miss) is the graffiti. Not only is it everywhere, but it's artistic and colorful and feels like it's part of the city. 

It's definitely strange to be a tourist in a city in which I don't speak the native tongue. Being on the other side of the language barrier is both eye-opening and challenging. Challenge accepted!

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