Thursday, July 4, 2013

Todo bem!

July 3: (posted a day late)
I've arrived in Brazil!! After a long plane ride, we're here safely and we're super busy! We had a small tour of the school we'll be at for the next month. It's high-tech!! There is a really intense dark room, an incredible photo shoot studio, amazing sound and recording studios, and lots of other great aspects.

Last night we all went out to dinner, then some of us went out for drinks to celebrate our first night here. The popular Brazilian drink is called a Caipirinha, and is made of muddled fruit (passionfruit, lime, guava, or other??), some sugar, ice, and a whole lot of rum! They're delicious.

There was also a framed poster of the periodic table of beer, which was amusing to all us chemical engineers:

We had a good time that night, and learned some Portuguese phrases from our guide Angela (seen on the left of the next picture!)

We took the Metro for the first time, which was very similar to taking the T in Boston. Their maps are easier to follow though, and they have multiple types of recycling everywhere! By multiple types, I mean there's a bin for paper, plastic, metal, etc. It's very impressive and forward-thinking!

Today was the first day of classes, and it was a crash course in survival Portuguese phrases. Needless to say, we learned a lot!

We visited a cathedral in Se today, but unfortunately my camera broke and I didn't have my phone so I don't have pictures :(  I hope to go back soon though!

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