Sunday, July 7, 2013

Samba, o mercado, e Fútbol

This weekend has been a blast!

On Fridy we went sambaing, which was a lot of fun. The band had a ukulele player, which I loved! I'm not a good dancer, but we all had a good time.

Saturday was a lot of fun and was a good show of Brazilian culture. We walked around an open-air market in downtown Sao Paolo. There were so many tents lined up along the block, and there was so much to see! People were selling antiques, paintings, food, and so many handmade goods. The quality of the items was very impressive, and I definitely want to go back there before we leave. There were also street performers - one band had a melodica!

This Sunday morning was spent breakfasting and doing homework. The coffee is so delicious here, and there's also fresh tropical fruit!

This afternoon we went to a fútbol game; the two teams were Sao Paolo and Santos. Naturally we were rooting for Sao Paolo! Everyone there was so enthusiastic about the game, it was infectious. We were all cheering and attempting to join in on the chants, which proved difficult since everyone was, of course, yelling in Portuguese. Unfortunately, Sao Paolo lost 0-2, but the team played a good game!

Tomorrow it's back to classes and more adventures!

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